
Mattupetty Dam

Mattupetty Dam
scenic view of boating at Matupetty dam

Nestled in the hills of Munnar near the Anamudi Peak, Mattupetty Dam site is excellent to be one with nature. It is situated about 13 km from the Munnar town at an altitude of 1700 m above sea level. Mattupetty is renowned for its storage masonry dam and the enchanting lake 

The Mattupetty dam is a part of the Pallivasal Hydro-electric project in the 1940s and now powers the energy requirements of Munnar. When you go boating in the lake, you can enjoy magnificent views of the surrounding hills and beautiful landscape. There is also a dairy farm run by the Indo-Swiss Livestock Project, with different high yielding breeds of cows at Mattupetty.

Opening Hours: 24 hours ; Time Required:  1 – 2 hours

Entry Fees: 10 per person; Holidays: open 365 days

About Author

Blue Bird Travels
Mattupetty Dam | Blue Bird Travels

Mattupetty Dam

Mattupetty Dam
scenic view of boating at Matupetty dam

Nestled in the hills of Munnar near the Anamudi Peak, Mattupetty Dam site is excellent to be one with nature. It is situated about 13 km from the Munnar town at an altitude of 1700 m above sea level. Mattupetty is renowned for its storage masonry dam and the enchanting lake 

The Mattupetty dam is a part of the Pallivasal Hydro-electric project in the 1940s and now powers the energy requirements of Munnar. When you go boating in the lake, you can enjoy magnificent views of the surrounding hills and beautiful landscape. There is also a dairy farm run by the Indo-Swiss Livestock Project, with different high yielding breeds of cows at Mattupetty.

Opening Hours: 24 hours ; Time Required:  1 – 2 hours

Entry Fees: 10 per person; Holidays: open 365 days

About Author

Blue Bird Travels
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