
Echo Point

Echo Point
Echo Point

Isn’t it just great to hear the mountains talk back to you! Echo Point at the height of 600 ft above sea level is located 15 km from Munnar. Since it is situated at the juncture of three mountain ranges near a lake, Echo Point has a natural echo phenomenon. It is one of the top attractions in Munnar as people come there to hear their voice reverberate around again and again. Echo Point has magnificent natural beauty as you can enjoy the panoramic vistas, high mountain air & the misty hills. You can go for solitary walks here or boating in the calm waters of the lake. The Echo Point is just the place for photography, boating, trekking, nature walks, birdwatching and more.

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Blue Bird Travels
Echo Point | Blue Bird Travels

Echo Point

Echo Point
Echo Point

Isn’t it just great to hear the mountains talk back to you! Echo Point at the height of 600 ft above sea level is located 15 km from Munnar. Since it is situated at the juncture of three mountain ranges near a lake, Echo Point has a natural echo phenomenon. It is one of the top attractions in Munnar as people come there to hear their voice reverberate around again and again. Echo Point has magnificent natural beauty as you can enjoy the panoramic vistas, high mountain air & the misty hills. You can go for solitary walks here or boating in the calm waters of the lake. The Echo Point is just the place for photography, boating, trekking, nature walks, birdwatching and more.

About Author

Blue Bird Travels
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